All promotions and honors should be based on merit, not one's race or religion. Johnson opened the door for rewards based on those things. That was wrong. The Civil War ended 150 years ago. If people want to hang on to that as a reason for why they aren't advancing they should look at themselves and not unfair practices. Many immigrants have come since the CWended. They were not treated well. Yet they have managed to make their marks.
There will always be unfair people who will pick favorites or whatever. I faced that myself. You deal with it and move on. Or you stay on welfre for generations and complain how unfair the system is.
Dr Ben Carson came from a single parent poor home. He made ir big time as did he siblings. No complaints, just hard work. I can name others but you get the idea.
As for workers, we have always had legal migrants who work on farms and such. The key word is legal. Those who pored across our borders did so illegally. And if we as a country are depending on illegals to do our dirty work we are a sad nation.
Again, there are systems in place to deal with this. The rest of the world has learned. They tout Scandanavia as a great place to live. Know how hard it is to live there? You must take care of yourself and have employment. Same in Australia and now European countries.
Not here. We let many unvetted in. Some are criminals. 71 nations have sent people. That includes China and India.
We have an immigration system. It is being ignored. That has to stop.
You are right, we all need to work on things and make them better. But we must also respect our laws or we are no longer a country.
Glad to have a civil discussion with you on this. I believe we both want better for our country. How we get there is the key.