Dr. Fauci has said that Trump acted appropriately and did not say anything different than what was discussed with him and our other health experts who have been advising the president since day one. At the same time this was happening, many of our leaders such as Cuomo, Pelosi and Mr. Biden were telling us it was no big deal and Trump was actually peddling fear. So why aren't they being criticized?
Rudy Giuliani was discussing his role during our 9/11 tragedy. He said there were a number of things he didn't tell the public about the problems at the WTC site to not instill fear and panic.
The question to be still answered is, "So what could have been done differently?" There is a lot of second guessing, but nothing I have heard says that anyone would have done anything differently. Except, maybe lock downs. It is still in dispute whether that helped or made matters worse. Putting people in close quarters with one another doesn't seem like the best of ideas, especially if one has the virus and others in the same location are vulnerable.