For the record Mr. Gehner did finally respond and I did in kind to his response. While it started with my response to his saying that even though Democrats control the cities that are having riots they should not be held responsible, it has grown to cover the Covid pandemic. Mr. Gehner feels that this matter should garner all of our attention and everything else is minor in comparison and a distraction.
I heartily disagree with this. We face many problems right now. And to lay them all at the feet of one person, the current president, is wrong. Fighting Covid is the responsibility of all elected officials. If they aren't up to the job, they should resign. The decisions they make and the actions or inactions that they take affect the people they represent.
They have made this political. And it is putting lives at risk. Not just from the virus, but because of the lock downs and riots that affect people's lives and livelihoods.
2.8 million people die each year in the U.S. They die from many things that are present. They have been present for years and yet there is no outcry that we stop everything until a cure is found. And that number doesn't include the number of lives lost through abortion. And that could stop tomorrow.
Mr. Gehner wants to focus just on Covid deaths. That is his right to do so. But the other problems we face must also be addressed while we do so. Otherwise we will be in bigger trouble than just that.
So we will continue our dialogue. What I will be asking is:
1. Who all is accountable to resolve this?
2. What isn't being done that should be to resolve this?
3. Will those who said this wasn't a big deal (Cuomo, Deblasio, Pelosi,and Biden to name a few) step up and admit they were wrong?
4. Will they stop making this about defeating Trump and make it about serving the people who elected them?
If they have no responsibility, they are irrelevant and should be gone. Talk is cheap. Action is what is needed.