I responded to the author. I went after his comment that even though Democrats control the population and "leadership" of the cities where riots are occurring, they should not be held responsible. I asked "If they aren't responsible, who is?".
His response was to ask me how many acres of cities were destroyed and how many deaths occurred due to rioting. I don't know how many deaths, but the damage is in the billions and 700 businesses were lost in Minneapolis alone. Guess that doesn't count.
He also brings up the deaths attributed to Covid. But the CDC claims only 6% of the total was solely due to Covid. The other 94% had other factors. But when counting, the news and others only use the total and do not mention the other factors. By the way, in March and April, 87,000 died from various factors such as suicide, drug overdose and not going to the hospital to take care of health concerns. Don't hear that mentioned anywhere.
He asked me not to be swayed by the press, especially Fox news. I assured him I am not. Because they are dishonest. I asked him if he knew the names of any of the children who have been killed by violence in their cities since the protests and riots started. And how many memorial services have been held and were the families contacted by those who say that Black Lives matter? Guess to them those don't.
Since then I have not heard back from Wolfgang. He bemoaned not having a fact filled, non name calling conversation. I started one and he stopped. Guess that wasn't his interest at all. Especially since you did as well and he stopped that as well. So much for intellectual honesty.