Important things to know and do. Unfortunately, I wonder how our educational system id doing at promoting and encouraging these things. Two examples:
My son was taking calculus. When I took it we learned how to do derivatives, , integrals and the like. We knew the basis for them and how to solve the.
My son was instructed to buy a calculus calculator to do these things for him. He didn't know how to do them on his own.
When he got to college he couldn't use the calculator. Since it was assumed he had the basics he was behind everyone else. He couldn't catch up and failed at his engineering courses.
Anything that doesn't teach why and how is dangerous. We cannot trust that a device will do everything for us.
My daughter had trouble spelling. Phonetics was not her thing. She spelled chicken in some unimaginable form.
Her teacher told us spell check would take care of that. It didn't. It had no idea what she was trying to spell. Again, just put in garbage and let the machine think for you.
These will not improve your intelligence. And they are dangerous practices. Know the basics and then progress and learn more. You will be more intelligent and better for it.