It is indeed a sad time, especially for small business owners. Our so called leaders have failed them. Operating a small business is hard enough. When you choke the life out of them with rules, regs, and lockdowns it makes it impossible.
I once had a problem at work. 6 times I came up with a solution to a problem only to have my boss turn each option down. I asked him what he wanted me to do or what his thoughts were and he told me that is what I hired you for (Actually he never hired me, I inherited him).
Finally I told him that with that attitude he was worthless to me. I was paid to solve the problem, not to figure out how many ways to do it. And I moved on.
I was able to take care of the issue. But in these times with over regulation small businesses are not. They are controlled by beauracrats that never ran anything in their lives. So sad and unnecessary.