My great grandfather came from Germany in the late 1800s for a better life. During WW1 he changed the family name because of discrimination towards Germans. Imagine that. A white European immigrant was discriminated against. My sister was the first in my family to finish college. I was the second. I grew up in NYC and lived among minorities all of my life. I took each person as they came regardless of background. I have found good people of all races and also not good people. Yet if I point out the bad and they happen to be of a different race I am racist. And I am privileged? And if I don't know it I am racist? The term racist no longer has meaning. If everyone is, oh right certain people can't be racist even though they are, then no one is. MLK is looking down on us and thinking this is not what I told everyone. Sorry Martin, at this rate your dream will never be realized.