When I worked full time, I was usually the first into work. It was great because there was no one to disturb me. I set out what I wanted to accomplish in priority order. I then worked on that order through the day. If I finished earlier than expected, I created a new list for the time remaining and worked on that till the day was done.
I emergencies cropped up, I would fit them in based on the severity of the problem.
Now as a semi retired person, I make up a list the night before of what I want to accomplish the next day. First thing the next morning, I adjust the list as needed and then work on it till everything is done. Since I don't have the attention I did in the office place I am less interrupted and don't have to fit in emergencies.
This has worked for over 45 years and I get stuff done on or before time. No muss, no fuss and a happy me.