While it is true that hard work is involved, that is true of most things in life. Being good at anything is hard work. Even leisure type things such as golf, skiing, or whatever requires hard work if you want to be good at it. That doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy it. But there is effort involved. If you don’t enjoy what you are doing, the results will show. And it will wear you down. The end results are what matter. Will it be perfect? Probably not because you could always do something a little better. And you will the next time. and guess what? It still won’t be perfect. But it is darn good and that creates a satisfaction. You just can’t get crazy and disparage everything you do. By doing so, you will never be happy, no matter what you do and how hard you try. And when things get too much, take some time off. Get away and recharge the bateeries. Get a balnce of things. If only one thing excites and makes you happy, that is a problem. You should have a number of things that you enjoy. And each time you do them it gives you that balance and gets you going to do what you need to do.